Friday, April 27

A busy week

It's been a busy week. Too much going on to have time to post. This is my first chance to get on the computer since Wednesday afternoon.

Tuesday and Friday, I went to the chiropractor. This is the first time I've ever been to one. My back problems are flaring up again. It's time to deal with it. After the first treatment today, I'm aching. This is no different than the physical therapy I went through about 10 years ago. I dare not add up what this is going to cost. Our insurance plan doesn't cover it though they have negotiated a discount with the provider.

Wednesday, I visited my Majacraft dealer with my friend Elizabeth and her MIL. We stopped for lunch on the way back at the Old World Bakery in North Liberty, Indiana. I brought home a brand new Suzie wheel to try out. It's going back next week. I like my Little Gem much better than the Suzie. My search for a second wheel may have to wait until Michigan Fiber Fest in August.

As well as not liking the way the Suzie handled, I am not happy with the quality of the wheel. Has Majacraft's quality control slipped so badly in the two years since I purchased my Little Gem? The mother board on the Suzie was cracked clear across. (It wasn't my dealer's fault. This was the way it arrived. She was going to contact Majacraft about replacing the wheel.) I noticed a number of other things on the wheel that were badly finished. I would expect much better from a $620 price tag.

Thursday, I got new eyeglasses. Today I went back to get softer nosepads put on them. The hard ones on the frames dig my nose. It's so nice to be able to see well again. I love the frames! They're purple wire rims.

I'm not knitting much. The motion of knitting makes my back ache.

I did finish spinning the seafoam Shetland. I blogged about the first 2 ounce skein of 243 yards. The second 2 ounce skein measures 330 yards. It's laceweight! I love spinning Shetland!

After I finished that I started on a 4.5 ounce bag of mystery fiber I bought at Greencastle. It's dyed periwinkle blue and lime. It may be Corriedale and it's top not roving. It's kind of irregular and looks like it was slightly felted when it was dyed. No problem. I loosened it up, stripped it into lengths, and then predrafted it. I like the way it's spinning up.

I've found a few more triangle shawl pattern links. I hope to post about them soon. I'll also add them to the complete listing. Two of the shawl contest prize winners have contacted me to let me know they received the yarn I sent them.

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