Friday, June 15

What happened?

For some reason my Sitemeter counter has gone missing. I've checked their site and it's still counting hits on my blog. Just for some reason it isn't showing up in my sidebar. Anyone have a clue what's going on?

A couple of hours after my last post, our power went out. I was watching the evening news at 5 pm when I heard an explosion and everything went off. It sounded like an electric transformer blew. Our temps here have been hovering around 90 degrees most days. I would lay odds that people near me got home from work and cranked their air conditioners down. The resulting demand for power blew the transformer and the power to 1100 homes. I live somewhat in the country but also in the midst of a large number of subdivisions with huge houses. Some of these houses have 2 or even 3 central air conditioners to cool all that square footage. I'd certainly hate to pay their electric bills. When hubby got home from work we went out to dinner. By the time we got back about 8 pm, our power was back on.

Tomorrow, my fiber arts group is having another Fiber Frolic. We meet at one of our members homes for an afternoon of fiber fun. We knit, spin, talk, have a swap table for unwanted stuff, and, of course, eat. I'm running a solar dyeing workshop for wool yarn using Easter Egg dyes. I've been collecting up the things I'll need for this all week. It should be a lot of fun. They're giving a high of 90 degrees so we should have no trouble getting our dyes to set. LOL!

I've cleaned out some of my yarn and spinning fiber stash. I'm taking what I've cleaned out to swap or sell. Anything leftover may get posted for sale on my blog soon.

1 comment:

  1. My sitemeter has been weird too - it's been saying I've had no visitors on days where people clearly visited and left comments.


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