Sunday, April 15

Triangle shawls galore!

Click Triangle Shawl Master List to go to the updated list with all 314 pattern links or look in the sidebar of my blog for the link.

The contest is over! There were 152 patterns submitted for my triangle shawl contest.

The four prize winners are:
  1. Cindy Bertram
  2. Andrea Lum
  3. Beth Parrott
  4. Jody Ziegler
I'll be contacting you for your mailing address. Watch your email box!


  1. What a wonderful thing you have done here to collect these. I always have odd bits of yarn of various sorts (especially as a spinner) now I will always be able to find something to make!

  2. Oh wow. This is quite a list to write up, and I thank you!

  3. Thanks for putting together this list. What a wonderful resourse! If next Christmas my husband thinks I should whip up a shawl for his mother on Dec 14 (as he did this year!) I'll know where to come.

  4. What a fantastic resource! Thank you so much!

  5. Vicki, you are amazing! Wonderful. I had no idea there were so many fabulous potential projects out there!

  6. Thanks so much for comiling this list -- it's a wonderful resource! I just love visiting your blog.

  7. i'm a winner too--the readership to my blog has bumped up and a huge percentage are coming from here. So Thank You!

  8. Wow, that worked out well.
    On another note - check out my blog. I used your recipe to dye yarns with Easter egg dye and I'm really happy with the results. Thanks for the great tutorial!

  9. Thanks, thanks, thanks. Wonderful resource.


  10. Well, now you've goen and done it. When will I ever find time to knit all these beautiful shawls!!
    Hope everything is great in your world. Thanks for compiling this list.

  11. Hi!

    I'm the designer of the Which Way Do We Go Shawl, and it takes seven skeins of Koigu KPPPM, or 1200 yards of a comparable weight yarn.

    And that is an amazing list of shawls!

  12. Fabulous list! Thank you.

  13. That's an awesome list! I'm a list-er myself, but I have to say that you outdid yourself with this one. I'll be bookmarking for future reference ... :)

  14. Your list is great!!! Thank you so much for compiling all of this info. It must have taken you quite a bit of time to assemble the list.

  15. Great list!! But just so you know, Ene's Scarf takes 700+ yards. It's only the 'cast on' where the yarn is doubled. It's then dropped and knitted with a single strand. I was hoping to see if anybody had knitted it in Hand Maiden Sea Silk and if the yardage required would change. I'll post back when I know.

  16. Oh, my, thank you so much for compiling this list for us. I've got just about enough alpaca yarn spun up to start a Faroese shawl.

  17. What a fabulous list! I have about 450 yards of yarn that decided it didn't want to be a baby sweater, and I was hoping to find an alternative use for it. You have made that very easy. BTW, would it be a lot more work to indicate with an asterisk or other symbol which patterns are free?

  18. I have been to many sites for patterns. Yours has to be one of the best I have seen. Just don't stop. We all will enjoy your selection. Thanks for your hard work!

  19. It was just brilliant to organize these by yardage needed! Thanks for all the work and the great resource.

    This address is better for the As You Like It. We moved the other page from our site.


  21. Thank you for this great list. Would you like to list also my designs? Please have a look at Best wishes, Birgit

  22. You can buy beautifull shawls and scarves at

  23. Nice collection of list


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