We had a wheel shower for a member of my fiber arts group last night. When someone gets their first spinning wheel, we gift them with a basket full of fiber and other spinning goodies. It was Aubrey's turn last night. She learned to spindle spin about a year ago. Last week, she purchased a handpainted Ashford traditional wheel. It's a beaut! She's already spun and plied two gorgeous skeins of yarn since she got her wheel. She's bonded.
She left with a big smile on her face and an overflowing basketful of colorful spinning fiber plus other goodies. (Bet she couldn't wait to get home to start spinning! LOL!) I gave her several balls of spinning fiber, a 2 bobbin lazy Kate, first choice of 14 orifice hooks, and a name tag for her hook made from a bit of silk ribbon threaded through beads spelling out her name. I sold a few more hooks to friends. My Little Gem has a delta orifice and doesn't need a hook to thread it.
The hooks are made from 18 gauge silver colored wire and glass tear drop beads in purple, green, blue, and a topazy color. The beads have highlights in them like opals. I'm not sure what the turquoise barrel beads are made of.
I mailed the four yarn prizes today to the winners of my triangle shawl contest. Beth, Cindy, Jody, and Andrea, watch your mailboxes. They should arrive in a few days. Enjoy!
They're so pretty that they make me wish I needed one for my wheel. Nice work.
ReplyDeleteI actually didn't spin any when I got home yesterday, but I'll be spinning some today! :D Thank you guys so much, I'm very touched!
ReplyDeleteWow, those are awesome! I just learned to spin with a drop spindle this past weekend...some day I might work my way up to a spinning wheel!
ReplyDeleteI take my Gem and a drop spindle along with me to groups and meetings about 3 times a week. At home I use my larger wheel, an Ashford Elizabeth with a Woolee Winder. While I love the Gem, the larger wheel just suits my needs for the projects I work on at home.