The Yarn Gourmet is located at 2915 Mishawaka Avenue in South Bend, Indiana. (Click the shop name to read her blog.) The shop is scheduled to open for business at 10 am on Wednesday, May 19th.
Here's a peek at the front door (nice logo!) and the window display. I took this picture as it was getting dark outside. It didn't turn out as well as I had hoped it would.
Malabrigo, Berroco, Crystal Palace, Brown Sheep, Zauberball, and Trekking are some of the yarn and brands that have arrived so far. Orders have been placed for lots more goodies with deliveries trickling in every day. I can't wait to go back when she's fully stocked and I can spend some $$$. LOL!
Arv showed me the awesome vintage button collection she has. She's thinking of setting up a display with them and allowing knitters to purchase them to use for their projects. Good buttons can be hard to find.

She's asked me to teach some knitting classes for her this fall. I'm agreeable. :) It will probably be a lace or shawl class of some sort. I'm open to suggestions. {Grin}
I'm mulling over the idea of designing some patterns using the yarns she is going to carry. If I do, these patterns could be offered free with purchase of the yarn to make the item. I'll have to see what I can come up with.

The Yarn Gourmet is open:
Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday
10 am - 5 pm
Thursday 10 am - 7 pm
Saturday 9 am - 3 pm
Closed Sunday & Monday
If you live in the area or will be visiting, be sure to stop by!