Monday, February 12

Shetland handspun

The green Shetland is finished! The color is the color of grass in the springtime. I was surprised how much blue came out of the yarn when I washed it. Finished product: 414 yards/4.0 ounces. I'm getting pretty consistent at producing a 400 yard skein of 2 ply from 4.0 ounces of fiber. Next on my wheel may be the Fleece Artist merino that Jess brought me from Nova Scotia. I'm thinking that to make this 1.5 ounce braid of merino go further I might ply it with some silk. I've got some silk hankies that would go beautifully with it. If I get enough yardage, I'll knit a lace scarf for me.

The Smoke Ring tube scarf is done and blocked. It turned out beautifully. If I can get someone to take a picture of me wearing it, I'll post it on my blog soon.


e's knitting and spinning blog said...

Beautiful green Vicki!!!

Anonymous said...

Ah! My favorite color =-)
I LOVE it!!!!!

Vicki said...

Dawn, come to the Frog Pond meeting on February 27 and you can see it in person.