BTW, my testers should be finished with Glorious Morning very soon. I hope to have it ready to roll out sometime next week.
My mom is doing better. She found out last week that as well as breaking her elbow, she had also cracked a bone in her leg. The doctor told her that the bones are still in place and that it should heal by itself in a couple of weeks. I'm glad she didn't need a cast on her leg too. So, not only is her right arm out of action, she also is having trouble walking on her right leg because it hurts.
Yesterday, she went back to have the staples removed from her elbow surgery. After x-raying it, the surgeon said that everything was healing well and she might only be in a cast for 2 more weeks! Yippee! That's good news! I was afraid it would be another month. The cast they put on her arm this time is smaller. The first one went from her armpit down to her knuckles. She might get it off in time for her birthday in May. : )
My knitting group is coming over on Saturday for a fiber frolic! I'm so excited! Until we built the sun room last fall, I never had the space to have them all together in one room. I've been frantically cleaning my house this week to get ready for it. Today, I went to the grocery store for food after I decided what I'm making. Everyone else brings a dish or something to share. We sit, knit, spin, crochet, talk, and eat all afternoon. I'm digging out some yarn and books for the swap/sell table and a few door prizes to give out. I hope everyone has a good time. : )