Michigan Fiber Fest was a blast on Saturday! A vanload of 8 from my fiber arts group rode up together. It's a 1-1/2 hour drive from northern Indiana where we live. The weather was perfect--cool and a little sunny--a great relief after the 90+ degree days we've had for most of the summer.
Since it was cool, Elizabeth was wearing her Cascading Leaves shawl and I wore mine too. We both had lots of people stop us to admire our shawls and ask about the pattern. Between us, we gave out almost every card I had with my blog and email address. I always carry a supply of cards to give out to knitters I meet.
The vendor booths and buildings were packed with people. Usually, by mid-afternoon it eases off. This year it didn't. If you didn't buy something the first time you saw it, it was gone when you came back. The food booths were bombed and ran out of things. I didn't even get my yearly elephant ear! :-( It was starting to sprinkle a little rain when we left the fairgrounds about 4 pm. Sunday was a very rainy day and would not have been a good one to attend the fiber fest. I heard that some of the vendor tents on the lawn collapsed and all their merchandise was ruined. Not good.
Here's my loot from Allegan. Top left is some rainbow dyed merino top from Orchard Hill Fleece Farm. I'm kicking myself for only buying one 2.5 ounce package. I'll spin it fine as a single to preserve the colorway and ply it with something else.
Top right is a package of merino/tencel and lower left is soy silk top, both are from Ellen's 1/2 Pint Farm. Directly under the rainbow top is 8 oz of Ashland Bay merino top in a gorgeous variegated rust colorway called Cassis. In the middle are 2 colorways of handpainted rayon from Babe's Fiber Garden. O

n the lower right is an $8 drop spindle that spins quite well, a high speed whorl for my Little Gem wheel, and a Bosworth featherweight (.5 oz) spindle. It took me a while to decide to spend the $$ for the Bosworth spindle. I'm glad I did. I'm spindling silk on it and it spins like a dream!
If you'd like to see a picture of me, my friends, and a couple of new friends, go to
Joanne's blog. I'm the one on the far left in the turquoise shirt. It was great meeting Joanne. She's working on a book about fiber festivals. Can't wait to see it! I also got to meet Bonne Marie of
Chic Knits.
I took my camera and totally forgot about taking any pictures until we were in the van on the way home. I am not a picture taker! I am so caught up in the moment and what's going on that I don't think about doing it. Pictures would have been nice for the blog but memories will have to suffice.
I picked up a flyer asking for volunteers to help continue Michigan Fiber Fest. Several people are stepping down from key positions, which could mean the end to this 10 year old festival. If anyone lives near the Allegan, Michigan area, please consider volunteering your time. As well as general volunteers, they need new ideas, a new office manager, bookkeeper, and someone to do advertising and publicity. I don't know if any of these jobs are paid or not.
They really could use a web page designer too. This year, their
website didn't even offer directions, times, or much of anything else. I heard comments from festival goers that they were not even aware that it existed and that it was hard to find information about it. That's a shame as it's been going on for 10 years. This is my third visit to the event.
Their annual meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 16, 2007 at 7 pm at Sam's Joint in Yankee Springs, 2412 S. Briggs Road, Middleville, Michigan. You can contact their office at 269.945.2497.